Employee Substance Abuse Policy
Saint Mary‑of‑the‑Woods College is committed to providing a safe working environment and, likewise, expects its employees to report to their jobs physically and mentally fit for work. Furthermore, the College is committed to assuring its continued representation as a quality institution. To achieve these goals, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College must take a firm and positive stand against drug and alcohol abuse. This policy is intended to ensure a drug free environment for our students, employees, and visitors.
The College is prepared to help and support students and employees requesting assistance in dealing with drug or alcohol problems. Peer facilitators who work with qualified professionals provides confidential services to students and employees who seek help in dealing with drug or alcohol problems. These services may include outside treatment at rehabilitation facilities.
In addition, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is in compliance with and supports Indiana state laws regarding the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, the College is in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989.
Policy Requirement
- The use, possession, sale, or transfer of an illegal drug by any employee on College premises, in the performance of College business, or at College sponsored events, is strictly prohibited.
- The use of any legally obtained drug by any employee while performing College business or while on College premises is prohibited to the extent that such use may adversely affect the safety of the employee or others, the employee’s job performance, or the College’s regard or reputation in the community. Employees who have been informed or have discovered that the use of a legal drug may adversely affect job performance or behavior are to report such drug use and possible side effects to the Director of Human Resources.
- Possession, distribution, or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on the premises of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is not permitted except at official events catered by Food Service personnel and those served must be 21 years of age or older.
- The use of alcohol by employees while conducting College business, attending College sponsored business or social functions, or otherwise representing the College off College premises is permitted only to the extent that it is not unlawful and does not adversely affect the safety of the employee or others, the employee’s job performance, or the College’s regard or reputation in the community.
- The presence in specified amounts (producing positive test results) of any illegal drug or alcohol in an employee’s system while on College premises or while otherwise performing College business is prohibited.
Testing and Treatment
- All prospective new employees will be tested for the use of illegal drugs and controlled substances. No offer of employment will be made to an applicant until he or she completes the necessary drug information and testing consent forms and passes the pre-employment drug test. Applicants who refuse to complete the necessary paperwork and test or who test positive on the drug screen will not be offered employment.
- The College may require a drug/alcohol test whenever:
- The College suspects that an employee’s work performance or on-the-job behavior may have been affected in any way by alcohol or drugs, or that an employee has otherwise violated the substance Abuse Policy. An employee must complete the necessary drug information and consent forms prior to the testing.
- Credible information obtained from other employees based on their observations of slurred speech, excessive physical and verbal arguments, confusion, disorientation, personality changes, or odor of marijuana or alcohol.
- An employee has been involved in an on-the-job accident resulting in property damage or personal injury requiring medical attention.
- An employee has been arrested in association with drugs or alcohol.
- The College may also require periodic, unannounced testing on an employee following the employee’s return from an approved drug or alcohol rehabilitation program or medical leave.
- An employee who tests positive for alcohol or drugs during the employee’s first 90 days of employment will be discharged immediately for violation of the College’s Substance Abuse Policy.
- After the employee’s first 90 days of employment, an employee whose alcohol or drug test is positive may be subject to the following rehabilitative procedure:
- First Offense: The employee is to be placed on an immediate leave of absence. The employee cannot return until a College approved counselor or physician releases the employee to return to work and complete job duties and responsibilities of her/his position.
- Second Offense: If within one year of release from a treatment program an employee again tests positive for either alcohol or drugs, the employee will be terminated for the positive test result.
- The leave of absence that must be taken after a positive alcohol or drug test is without pay. However, an employee may use any accrued, unused vacation, personal days, or sick days to receive compensation during the leave. Current benefit coverage will continue during the leave.
- All test results, assistance requests, and treatment records will be maintained in files separate from the employee’s personnel file and will be held in the strictest of confidence, disclosed only to those having a legitimate need to know such information.
Disciplinary Action
- Depending upon the seriousness of the offense, any violation of the policy requirements of the Substance Abuse Policy will result in discipline, up to and including termination, even for a first offense.
- The failure or refusal to complete the necessary paperwork, to submit to a drug test, or to undergo treatment pursuant to the requirements of the Substance Abuse Policy will be grounds for immediate termination.
President’s Cabinet Approved 3/30/2011